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Sunday, June 15, 2008

RE: Hip Hop Is Not Music It's A Philosophy Of Crime

In an effort to promote my blog and gain traffic, I went to, and their "Blog of the Day" was, a blog that's about... what else? Blaming. And the most recent post is about blaming hip hop for, in his/her opinion, it's negative contribution to society.

While this is not an attempt to discredit this blogger's opinion, this post did inspire me to write a reply about it. I'll start by asking this: What is every human's true goal in life? In my opinion, our goal as humans is to live in comfort, without hassles. We strive to make as much money as possible before we retire so in the end, we can possibly live comfortably, which is why we work so hard to get to that point.

Hip hop is inspired by people who endure excessive hardship. A blend of hatred and poverty for so many years has left many people to think that living life comfortably is not possible, and this is expressed in their music. Like every other genre of music, hip hop is a product of it's environment, inspired by the people who lived in this kind of atmosphere.

But even so, hip hop started out as a cultural movement in the 1907's, primarily by African Americans, as a way to overcome the oppression they faced in New York at that time... and this genre of music eventually spread throughout the world.

One of the reasons it's so popular today is because the listener can relate to the messages expressed through hip hop. The message of being able to become successful in the face of hatred and prejudice inspires the listener to find motivation, even when it seemingly could not be found. To overcome adversities despite the negativity around them. This may be why those born into wealth cannot understand the concept of hip hop.

But nobody is perfect. Granted, there is a current trend in hip hop today that would suggest that the message is to engage in illegal activities, but the message is still the same. Even so, there are still those who support hip hop, but in a positive manner, by addressing the issues that are causing hip hop to become so corrupt, and even making suggestions that may inspire the listener to make a positive change in their lives, to be active in their communities and to change the environment hip hop was born in. Because we all would like to live comfortable lives, without the hassle, without the stress.

Also, if junk brain food results in junk behavior, by who's hand did the food come from? Who's the one to blame? (Read the original post if you don't know what I'm talking about.)


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