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Monday, July 14, 2008

An Idea for Job Applications!

Right now, I'm currently working at Kmart. It's very slow with minimal hours, and small pay. And the 20-35 hrs, they said, is so they don't have to pay extra for insurance. Does that make sense? I guess so... they don't have to pay for the insurance, unless I actually get injured, at which point I can just sue them for unethical practices (probably can't but whatever). Ha!

I'm lookin around for a new job. Because of my past, I'm not able to get just any job I apply for. Hell, I'm lucky if I get a job I'm even comfortable with.

As I go from website to website, looking to apply, I came up with an idea for submitting multiple applications to all local businesses that are looking to hire. With blogs, there's this "ping" service in which you enter your blog info (like your blog name, URL, and/or RSS feed address), and the service "pings" multiple blog directories, basically letting them know you've updated your blog. What if there was a website that did the same thing, but with career applications, "pinging" local hiring businesses and letting them know you've submitted an application? Would be easier than manually visiting the websites and applying to each one that you're interested in. You can just fill out a basic application, telling about your past work experience, education level, and your personal info. And if they need additional info, they can just contact you by phone or e-mail. Simple and easy.

Like I said for my other "bright" idea xD, I dunno if there's already a service that does this. So far, the websites I've been to are like "medium" websites, businesses just make job openings and post them to the site, and people looking for a job search it up and apply. But if there's a website out there that has automatically submits applications, let me know!


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